Teaching non-factual, ideological concepts such as gender theories through Alberta Education is inappropriate. This belittles and disregards the rights of parents to teach their children a binary belief of gender as opposed to the spectrum of gender that these concepts offer. This information is not based upon scientific facts, only ideas and introduces sexual discussion into the classroom which can hardly be classified as “incidental”. It raises discussions about sexuality that distract from the basic education that children need to be taught during their school hours.

Furthermore, this is a foFurthermore, this is a form of proselyting an ideology in schools. It is stated that one of the goals of the fYrefly in Schools program is to reduce discrimination. Discrimination can be reduced when the focus of education is to respect all beliefs, including those of religious belief and to treat all persons of race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, etc with respect and civility, instead of focusing largely on one group and completely overhauling curriculum to do it.

fYrefly in schools does not foster tolerance. It creates division through the mere idea that one belief system is correct and all others are discriminatory, which is a false assumption. Also, it is a type of advertising for Camp fYrefly, which as you saw on the Camp fYrefly tab, has very much to do with sexual counselling of sexual minority youth and their allies.

Learn more about fYrefly in Schools’ goals HERE.

fYrefly in Schools correlates with the ATA’s controversial PRISM Toolkit resource.

Read more concerns about these concepts in education on the Informed Albertans article: You think you know what Alberta students learn in school? 

Do we value social justice more than true biological, scientific education in Alberta schools?